What to Do When Laid Off from Work

January 24, 2019


  1. Take Positive Action

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, taking positive action early can reduce anxiety and create hope.

This can include:

  • Applying for employment insurance (EI) as soon as you have a record of employment (ROE).
  • Reviewing your finances and budget.
  • Gathering reference letters and refreshing your résumé.

Focus on moving forward, not what happened.

  1. Keep Busy

Let yourself feel sadness, but don’t dwell in it. Maintain a positive routine during your search, like eating healthy food, practicing self-care, and getting enough rest. Take the time to go outside, exercise, visit friends and family, and the like.

You can also use this time to brush up on your skills or look into continuing education courses. There are many free online classes for adult learning, or you may be eligible for a scholarship or bursary at a local institution.

You can also beef up your résumé by volunteering in your community, networking with others in your profession, or connecting with helpful individuals. All of this can help position you for re-employment.

  1. Watch Your Thoughts

You can be doing all the “right” things externally and still feel like you’re battling away demons in your own mind. If you find yourself stuck in a negative thought pattern, beware of your own self-talk.

CMHA says, “It will be tempting to fall into a pattern of blame and shame. Remember you did not have control over someone else’s decision to lay you off.  You do have control over your approach to your future.”

  1. Make a Plan

If you can, think of this as an opportunity rather than a setback. You may now have the time to dive into a venture or hobby you were otherwise too busy to explore, like starting your own business,

Write down your goals, both financial and professional, and see what needs to be done to reach them.

If you are carrying debt, now is also the time to look at it realistically. With a loss of income, your debt payments could be eating up even more of your budget. If you can’t afford to make ends meet, even with strict budgeting, there are resources available.

  1. Talk to Someone

You’re not alone in this — there are many resources available to help.

If you’re struggling with negative thoughts or how to move forward, look for a counsellor or therapist. There may be a not-for-profit in your area, or your doctor might be able to refer you.

If you’re looking for help job searching, find a local employment agency. They can also assist with your résumé and continuing education choices.

If finances and debt are an issue, consult a financial advisor, like a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. They can help you make a budget, go over debt consolidation options, and take a realistic look at your overall situation.

At Fuller Financial Solutions, we can help you keep your finances on track while job searching.

Contact us today for a free consultation. Call 416-927-7200 or visit www.fullersolutions.ca.