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When is a consumer proposal the right solution?

When your debt has accumulated to the point where it is unmanageable, or perhaps a creditor has made an unrealistic demand for payment leading to enforcement action, you may be looking for a solution that stops collections, halts interest from building up further, and provides you with room to breathe.

A Consumer Proposal is suited to an individual who needs immediate debt relief, who is having difficulty managing payment obligations, who earns a decent or higher income, and who has assets like a home or vehicle.

If you would like more information about filing for a Consumer Proposal, please reach out to us today.

Consumer proposal benefits

  • Reduce debt

  • Consolidate to a single monthly payment

  • Stop interest

  • Unfreeze bank accounts

  • Stop wage garnishments

  • Interest-free repayment

Real life stories

Find out how others have used Consumer Proposals to solve their financial problem.

Scarborough, Ontario

We used a number of our credit cards to complete renovations on our home a few years back. My wife is a real estate agent and business has been really slow the past year.

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